



Page.36 「盡量使用你擁有的知識,可是要看出它們的限制,光有知識還不夠,知識沒有心,再多的知識也不能滋養獲支撐你的心靈,它永遠也無法帶給你終極的幸福或平靜。生命所需要的不僅是知識而已,還得有熱烈的感情感覺和源源不絕持續不斷的能量。生命必須採取正確的行動,才能讓知識活過來。」


     Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power.” It’s exactly right that knowledge influence our life a lot. Many things are based on knowledge. For instance, the improvement of technology, thousands of well-known books, many greats in the world, and so on. However, we can’t just absorb it. All we have to do is to put what we have learned into practice. The sentences in the passage above: “Knowledge has no heart. It’s never enough to strength and feed your mind by getting knowledge.” “We must take the right actions for life so that we can make our knowledge come alive.” Show that what we have known is no more than a tool. The importance of the things that we’ve known is its usages. By the time we understand, try to let them make sense in our daily life.



     In the tale, Dan once wanted to suicide. Nowadays, the percentage of teenage suicide grows even higher than newborn babies’ death. The scientist figure out that the reason of teenagers’ death is mainly because car accidents or other risky actions; violence and suicides are also the key factors. Study shows, till 21 century, up to 70~75 percent of the death rate of young man at the age of ten to twenty-four are related to accidents, like car crash or gang fighting. In 2004, one fourth to one third of the death rate of young man at the age of ten to twenty-four has something to do with violence and suicides. (Source)

     I think self-murdering is worthless. Even if the stress is so heavy to afford, we still ought not to suicide. Life still has a lot of glorious things. Never kill yourself when losing your goal and feeling nothing to do. Life needs us to strive on and on and on. Life’s precious, so don’t abandon it easily.


‧Discussion Director

Question: In page 24 of the book, “Socrates” asks Dan, “How do you know you aren’t sleeping of all time? How do you know whether you are sleeping this moment or not?” Dan didn’t respond. Are you still asleep this moment?


Answer:  I think I’m still asleep, because I know nothing about the surroundings. I learn to walk my steps firmly on my way of life yet. I try to make everything clear so as to be awake and own a sharp mind someday.


Question: In page 39 and 40, Dan thought of a story about the king and his subjects in his kingdom which his grandfather once said. What do you think about the reason why the villagers said their king had become normal after drinking the water in the river of the village?


Answer:  The king was different from them then, being weird to the villagers. People often have bad feelings to those who are out of the ordinary. It force the different ones can only accept the trend of society. It may kill their creation and imagination.


Question: What do you like to do the most? Why? When doing this, how is your mind, being calm or filled with annoying sounds?


Answer:  I like to draw. When I’m drawing, my attention focuses altogether without any disturbing thought. It immerses my heart in peace and silence, letting my tired soul chill out.


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